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Cursors For Your Tumblr, Blog, Website, & Windows Computer Mouse!

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American Idol 2011 Cursors

Date: 17 Mar 2011, 21:11 By Tor With 0 Comments

Just added all top 13 members of the American Idol 2011 season as cursors. This includes Ashthon Jones Casey Abrams Haley Reinhart Jacob Lusk James Durbin Karen Rodriguez Lauren Alaina Naima Adedapo Paul McDonald Pia Toscano Scotty McCreery Stefano Langone and Thia Megia.

American Idol is a singing competition in the U.S that runs weekly and I think it's in it's 11th season. We don't add all contestants every year, but I think this year they have a really good group so I decided to add them. If you want to request some American Idol cursors, leave a comment on our facebook page! Thanks. For now the cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Stefano LangoneThia MegiaScotty McCreery

Some more Pokemon Cursors by TheRocaN64

Date: 13 Mar 2011, 20:10 By Tor With 1 Comments

Just added a brand new cursor set called Ghost Trio consisting of Ghastly, Haunter, and Gangar. Also added were other pokemons such as Ivysaur, Bulbasaur, Charmeleon, and Squirtle. Also two cursors from the Mario universe of Twomp. All of them created by TheRocaN64. Thanks again man for your love submissions.

Tomorrow I'll be adding more user submissions and requests from people so check back =D Thank you everyone for your support. Yesterday we had the most visitors and page views ever in the history of our site! Thank you, thank you! For now the cursors went into the following sections...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Ghost Trio Gastly, Haunter, Gengar Cursor SetIvysaurPokemon Bulbasaur

Best Wishes to Japan

Date: 11 Mar 2011, 12:50 By Tor With 0 Comments

Most of you should probably know, there was an Earthquake in Japan earlier this morning that has killed thousands of people already. At least 10,000 people are reported missing from the latest reports. The quake is said to be, one of the top 10 quakes in history measuring in at 8.9.

Best wishes to Japan, and the Japanese people.

Blue Wings Cursor Set

Date: 11 Mar 2011, 12:29 By Tor With 5 Comments
Blue Wings Set

Been a while since the last update. But today I added a really nice set called "Blue Wings". There's actually another color for this set, which I will upload later. The cursor set was created by Jani77 over at deviantart.com It was created for CursorFX and I converted it to work with Windows XP, Vista, and Seven.

For some odd reason though, on Firefox and Chrome, the colors come off looking weird. Like it's darker. But when installed on the computer or viewed under IE, it looks like how it's suppose to. Just wanted to give you a heads up on that.

Dancing Robot Cursors

Date: 6 Mar 2011, 13:46 By Tor With 1 Comments

Hello peeps, just added some really cute dancing robot cursors! I did them in multiple colors with hearts, as well as did one all by itself. Actually I didn't create these cursors, only cursorized them. If you know who created the cursors originally, send me e-mail so I can give them proper credit.

Tomorrow I'll be adding in some user submitted cursors as well as other cursors. I'm trying to add as many cursors as I can this month! Including some more cursor sets. Also I'm starting to work on making animated cursors show up on Firefox. They won't animate, but they will at least show up in Firefox! The cursors went into the following sections...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Dancing RobotRobot Rainbow Heart 2Robot Rainbow Heart

Other Places To Get Free Cursors

Date: 6 Mar 2011, 11:43 By Tor With 3 Comments

Cursors-4U.com is one of the most popular cursor website in the world, I think and that is because of hard work that I put into this site throughout the years. However, we do not have every cursor there is, there are plenty of good sites to get free cursors other than Cursors-4U.com. Though I rather you guys get cursors here =D, I've like to still recommend some places.

Check out my list below! I'm gonna rate them just base on three categories, Good, Okay, and Bad, with a short review of each site.

FT (Five Treasure) Island Cursors

Date: 3 Mar 2011, 21:46 By Tor With 3 Comments
Just finished doing another request and my last update for today =D. Just added 6 FT Island or Five Treasure Island cursors. This is a Korean Boy Band group that is pretty popular in Japan as well I think. Don't really know much about them. I added each member, Choi Jong Hoon, Lee Hong Ki, Lee Jae Jin, Song Seung Hyun, and Choi Min Hwan.

Its sorta hard to tell who they are...so if I'm mistaken someone leave a comment on the cursor page and I will correct the names. We been adding a bunch of Asian boy bands lately. If someone else wants to make a request of some other Celebrities (any from around the world) I can do them for you. Just gotta ask. =D The cursors went into the following section...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

FT (Five Treasure) Island LogoFT (Five Treasure) IslandChoi Jong Hoon - FT Island

Tiny Hand with Heart Cursors

Date: 3 Mar 2011, 13:12 By Tor With 0 Comments

Someone had made a request for these, so I decided to make cursors out of them real quick. They wanted it in different colors, so I did that =D Hope you like. Also I added an animated cursor of the tiny hand with the heart, as well as just the tiny hand.

If you guys see a cursor you like and you want it in a different color, just leave a request on our facebook page and I'll try to get it on the site ASAP.

This is the 2nd update of the day. I think I will do another update tonight, so check back later. I usually only do one update a day, but kinda feeling like I need to work harder today. =D For now the cursors went into the following sections...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Tiny Hand With Animated Rainbow HeartsTiny HandTiny Hand With Pink Heart

Perfect World Online Cursors

Date: 3 Mar 2011, 09:53 By Tor With 2 Comments

Running through my e-mail again, I have dug up some old submissions. These cursors are from the online MMORPG called "Perfect World". It's a Chinese style MMO that is very very beautiful. I use to play the game, and found it quite enjoyable. You guys should check it out! They were submitted by Lei Zhen, and Hami Walsh.

Also one other thing, check out my friends cool free Twitter service called Twitter Robot. It basically lets you schedule twitter updates base on the time you set. It's free.

I'll be doing two or more updates today. So check back again. Gonna do some back-up cursor requests that I got from some people over at twitter and facebook. But for now, the cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Perfect World Online - SwordPerfect World Online PointerPerfect World Online Spear Thingy

Star Trek Starfleet Cursors

Date: 2 Mar 2011, 21:08 By Tor With 3 Comments

It's been a while since we added some Star Trek cursors. But today I just finished adding 31 star trek cursors created by Adam Vallières. Thanks Adam for submitting these lovely cursors...almost 1 year ago T_T Yea I failed to add these, that long ago. I found these gems as I was scouring through all my e-mails.

For those people that have submitted cursors, do not fear! I will get to yours soon. Cursors-4U.com has become pretty much my job now. I will continue to work hard on this site. In fact, I had someone recently fix a few bugs. The site should be better, and also feels faster from more efficient coding. I'll be looking to fix more bugs and speeding up the site as well in the near future....For now the cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Starfleet RedStarfleet Blue RingStarfleet Pale Blue - Blue Ring
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Welcome To Cursors-4U.com Version 3.5

So you came looking for cursors and graphics eh? Cursors-4u.com gots plenty of cursors for your mouse pointer. We got runescape, world of warcraft, pokemon, naruto, twilight, cute, animated, cool, glitter, sexy, and so much more cursors. You can directly download the cursors for your mouse or web site to your hard drive for free and use them on your desktop computer for Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7 or Windows 8 or you can place them on your web site or blog. You can even get Tumblr Cursors, Friendster Cursors, Blogspot Cursors, Xanga, Bebo, Orkut, Wordpress, Myspace and any other social networking profile site that allows CSS coding, here. Also our cursors work on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.

We were the first cursor site to allow cursor hot linking and cursor download. There have been many imitators since but you will not see the quality and quantity like here at Cursors-4U.com.

© 2005-2025 Cursors-4U.com. All Rights Reserved. All Trademarks And Copyrights Held By Their Respective Owners.