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Cursors For Your Tumblr, Blog, Website, & Windows Computer Mouse!

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Cocktail Drinks Cursor

Date: 18 Apr 2011, 20:37 By Tor With 1 Comments

Just added 59 Cocktail Drinks cursors. These lovely cursors were created by CedarSeed. Check out the site for other awesome icons and beautiful artwork. There are so many cocktail drinks in the world, but I believe the one's added today are all the popular ones. Like sex on the beach, apple martinis, mai tai, white russian, etc etc.

Tomorrow I'll be adding more name cursors. I think I last left off at letter K. So check back on those. Also will try to get in some requests for "I Love..." cursors. I seen a bunch of people leave comments about those lately...For now the cursors went into the following sections...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Mojito CocktailLong Island Iced Tea CocktailApple Martini

2NE1, Daft Punk, Deadmau5, Drake, Nicki Minaj, and Cee Lo Green

Date: 16 Apr 2011, 13:57 By Tor With 1 Comments
Here are a few requests that were done on our facebook page. Some are a little late, but just got done with them today. I added a total of 13 cursors, two of which are animated. They 2NE1, Daft Punk, Deadmau5, Drake, Nicki Minaj, and Celo Green cursors. Looking to add more user submitted cursors and more requests ASAP.

Don't forget to make requests on our facebook page or just send me an e-mail. I'll try me best to get them for ya, but not 100% if all requests are possible. The cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Daft Punk2NE1Nicki Minaj

Kingdom Hearts Cursor Set

Date: 14 Apr 2011, 19:36 By Tor With 8 Comments
Kingdom Hearts Set

Woah, 3rdnd update this month and it's almost the 15th O_O. I got a lot of work to do, to catch up. Today I added some Kingdom Hearts Cursors. These cursors were created by Fortis Sora who submitted them to me, like a few months ago =/ and now it's just been added. XD Sorry Sorta about that. These are really lovely be the way. Be sure to check out Sora's page for some really good artwork as well.

We got about 100 I think Kingdom Hearts cursors already so check those out too! Oh yeah, if you don't know what Kingdom Hearts is, it's a Disney and Sony game base on Characters from those Franchises. You've think it's a child game, but it's absolutely awesome!

Puppy Cursors

Date: 6 Apr 2011, 10:04 By Tor With 8 Comments

Just added 10 cute puppy cursors. Many of them got that really sad look which makes them hella adorable. I love puppies! Actually all baby animals are soooooo cute. Don't you guys think so? These icons were created by Wackypixel Co. So hit up their page if you want some custom work done.

I'm so behind on some requests T_T. I think I need some helping hand on this site. But I'm so poor so I can't pay anyone. Hmmmm, gotta have to think of something. For now the cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Puppy 10Sad Puppy 2Sad Puppy

Free Lines Cursor Set

Date: 1 Apr 2011, 21:29 By Tor With 7 Comments
Free Lines Set

I really really love artistic types of cursors, and "Free Lines" by anoop-pc is an amazing, artistic, yet very simple cursor set. I bet many of you will also like it very much! In the set is one animated cursor, and the rest is non-animated. The set is base off of anoop's other creations over on his deviantart page. You gotta check it out, because they are really cool as well.

Here's hoping for another great month. Last month, we had a record number of visitors and pageviews. O_O In the history of Cursors-4U.com we never had so many visitors. I just want to thank everyone who has help spread the word about us!

April's 2011 Favorite Cursor Of Month

Date: 1 Apr 2011, 10:01 By Tor With 9 Comments
Shugo Chara - Ran's Egg

The month of April in the year 2011, our favorite cursor of the month is the "Shugo Chara - Ran's Egg" cursor. The animated icon was created by zukihime over at deviantart. I later converted into a an animated cursor.

Easter is almost here, so I decided on this pretty little "Easter Egg" cursor. Shugo Chara is also an anime series if you do not know. Also you can get more "Easter Cursors" on our site if you want. I hope you enjoy this cursor. Also don't forget, animated cursors only show up in IE.

Different Pokeball Cursors

Date: 31 Mar 2011, 17:47 By Tor With 2 Comments

Just added 29 Pokemon Pokeball Cursors. I included the Master Ball, Ultra Ball, Great Ball, Pokeball, and many others. The icons were created by jousway and HardcoreEskimoKisses who both did an amazing job creating the icons. I later turned them into cursors.

No more pokemon cursors for a while I think. We got enough of that =D Unless you guys still want more. If so, just shoot me an e-mail and we can try get some more in there. The Pokeball cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

PokeballGreat BallUltra Ball

The Alien Cursor Set

Date: 29 Mar 2011, 15:12 By Tor With 12 Comments
The Alien Set

The Alien is an awesome cursor set created by Jalentorn and ported over to work with Windows computer by Xav73. This is one of the coolest unique looking cursor sets I seen around. The cursor set contains 15 total cursors. All of them are also animated cursors as well. Which means if you are trying to place on your website, it won't work unless it's being viewed on IE.

Was suppose to add some more pokeball cursors today, and I promise I will. But I been busy, and should add them later tonight. So check back again for some of those...

Pokemon Pokeball Cursors

Date: 26 Mar 2011, 13:44 By Tor With 1 Comments

17 Cute Pokemon Pokeball cursors just added. These are artist renditions of what a Pokemon would look like if they were turned into Pokeball. These great icons were created by MyCatGinger, IttehBittehKitteh, Pokewarrior17, Hikaru2322, XDarkSaphiraX, fischkid13, and Geetje and turned into cursors by us.

We now have over 350 Pokemon cursors, and probably a few more hundreds that will be added later in the coming months. I love Pokemon too...though I haven't played since Red and Blue XD. Still those were good times. Tomorrow I'll be adding some Pokeball cursors. For now the cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Pokeball BayleefPokeball ArcaninePokeball Absol

Name Cursors J to K

Date: 26 Mar 2011, 11:29 By Tor With 13 Comments

Just added 21 more name cursors again. This time, names that start with letters J to K. I'm done with name cursors until next week. So check later, or you can visit Daniel's RWDesigner page and download the entire name combo pack. You can get the link by visiting any of the name cursor pages =D

One more update for today and then I will have to call it quits. Gonna add them pokeball cursors that I said I would yesterday. So check back soon for those...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

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Welcome To Cursors-4U.com Version 3.5

So you came looking for cursors and graphics eh? Cursors-4u.com gots plenty of cursors for your mouse pointer. We got runescape, world of warcraft, pokemon, naruto, twilight, cute, animated, cool, glitter, sexy, and so much more cursors. You can directly download the cursors for your mouse or web site to your hard drive for free and use them on your desktop computer for Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7 or Windows 8 or you can place them on your web site or blog. You can even get Tumblr Cursors, Friendster Cursors, Blogspot Cursors, Xanga, Bebo, Orkut, Wordpress, Myspace and any other social networking profile site that allows CSS coding, here. Also our cursors work on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.

We were the first cursor site to allow cursor hot linking and cursor download. There have been many imitators since but you will not see the quality and quantity like here at Cursors-4U.com.

© 2005-2025 Cursors-4U.com. All Rights Reserved. All Trademarks And Copyrights Held By Their Respective Owners.