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Cursors For Your Tumblr, Blog, Website, & Windows Computer Mouse!

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Letter D to I Name Cursors

Date: 24 Mar 2011, 21:41 By Tor With 40 Comments

Just added 19 more name cursors again. This time, names that start with letters D to I. There is still about 85 name cursors left. We haven't really added name cursors on our site for a very long time. Last time I check, it was like in 2006 O_O LOL. So adding 130 in batches might be a bit much. Tomorrow I'll add few more batches and then finish the rest the following week.

I know some people are already itching for some different cursors. I got some new never before seen cursors tomorrow. Actually mostly pokemon stuff =D I know you guys love them Pokemon! The new name cursors were added in the categories below...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

HollieLetter I HeartsHarry

19 Name Cursors A to D

Date: 24 Mar 2011, 14:26 By Tor With 22 Comments

Just added 19 more name cursors and over 100 more to go. I"m adding them in batches of 19 throughout the day or I'll save some more tomorrow or some other day. Once again the cursors were created by Danial W.

You can request name cursors through us as well and we can try to do a good a job as Daniel here =D The new cursors were added in the categories below...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.


13 Name Cursors

Date: 24 Mar 2011, 00:08 By Tor With 9 Comments

Just added 13 name cursors that start with the letter A. More to come later today. All these cursors were created by Daniel W. In total he made 136 I think. And we got permission to add all of them on our site. I will try to add them in one day or batches. Danial W has a bunch more cursors over at RWDesigner as well. I blogged about that site and a few others the other week, on other places to get some cursors.

That's it for now. Heading off to bed. You can get the name cursors in the following categories below....

Here are a few samples of what was added today.


Lucky Star Cursors

Date: 21 Mar 2011, 11:38 By Tor With 4 Comments

2nd update for today was also a request on our facebook page. This time, another popular anime series called Lucky Star was just added. A total of 15 cursors, and two animated =3 I know how you peeps like them animated cursors.

The cursors were created by Moramill, zorkky, and Ravendy. Thanks for these nice works =D Also be sure to check our their pages for another really cool and interesting work. You can get the cursors in the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Konata IzumiKonata Izumi DancingLucky Star - Miyuki Takara

Haruhi Suzumiya Cursors

Date: 21 Mar 2011, 11:28 By Tor With 0 Comments

Requested on our facebook page about a month ago I finally got the chance to add some Haruhi Suzumiya Cursors. I only added 9 cursors. Most of them are pixel art, and non are animated. The icons were created by Lysa and OkamiJoe.

Remember if you want to request a cursor, do so by leaving a comment on our facebook page. It's easy and simple for us to keep track of requests =D For now the cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Tsuruya - The Melancholy Of Haruhi SuzumiyaMikuru Asahina - The Melancholy Of Haruhi SuzumiyaThe Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya

Diamond Ring Cursors

Date: 20 Mar 2011, 21:19 By Tor With 1 Comments

This is my last update for tonight. A small one...only 4 cursors of some really cute Diamond rings. These are non-animated cursors, so it should work on all browsers except Opera. The cursors were I believe created by Bleeding Love. I'm not sure...Check out her site for some other cool stuff.

I'm trying to add as many cursors as I can before the month end, to try and even out the lack of updates I had this month. For now...the diamond cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Black Diamond RingPink Diamond RingYellow Diamond RingGreen Diamond Ring

Excalibur Cursor Set

Date: 20 Mar 2011, 16:50 By Tor With 0 Comments
Excalibur Set

Added our first weapon cursor set. It's the Excalibur cursor set done by Starfire. Another brilliant cursor set. Starfire also has some other cool cursor sets in our site. Excalibur is the legendary sword that can only be wielded by King Authur. It's probably the most famous sword in the whole world!

This is my third update for today! Gonna do a few more before I call it quits. Trying to go through my request queue right now. For now check out below, because the cursors went into these categories...

More Domo Cursors

Date: 20 Mar 2011, 00:30 By Tor With 3 Comments

Just added another Domo cursor set. We previously had one before, but today is a plush cursor set version created by Rusty100. The cursor was originall created for CursorFX. Also I created some non-animated cursors of Domo from the previous Domo cursors that were added. I guess some people really wanted them so there you go.

Domo is a pretty popular guy isn't he? The first Domo cursor set already has 16000 views since we added it into our site. I guess he's pretty cute XD. The cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Domo-kun CuteDomo-kun StaringDomo-kun Set

Woot, we got 3000 facebook Fans!

Date: 20 Mar 2011, 00:29 By Tor With 0 Comments

Yay we got 3000 fans our our facebook page. If you haven't like our page yet, please do! You can get free update feeds if you like our page! Also by liking us, it's a way of saying thanks as well =D

Thanks everyone for your support! I'm so happy that we got so many visitors to this site now. It will 6+ years old in May. I did this site out of a passion I back then with providing "free stuff". And it comes a long ways from then. Wish though I had worked harder on this site instead of abandoning it for 3 years straight at one point XD. Oh well...working hard on it now, so that's all that matters.

Inverted Cursor Set

Date: 19 Mar 2011, 19:56 By Tor With 2 Comments
Inverted Set

Just added 12 cursors created by TheRocaN64 who this time created the elusive and mystical inverted cursor set. When you hover your mouse over the screen, with an inverted cursor, it will change the color. A very cool trick that you can amaze your friends with =D

Thanks again TheRocaN64 for another cool submission. For those that got questions on how to do this, there is an e-mail address in the read_me.txt file inside the zip folder. You can directly send TheRocaN64 your questions, because I don't know how he does it. Yea I'm noob to inverted cursors too.

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Welcome To Cursors-4U.com Version 3.5

So you came looking for cursors and graphics eh? Cursors-4u.com gots plenty of cursors for your mouse pointer. We got runescape, world of warcraft, pokemon, naruto, twilight, cute, animated, cool, glitter, sexy, and so much more cursors. You can directly download the cursors for your mouse or web site to your hard drive for free and use them on your desktop computer for Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7 or Windows 8 or you can place them on your web site or blog. You can even get Tumblr Cursors, Friendster Cursors, Blogspot Cursors, Xanga, Bebo, Orkut, Wordpress, Myspace and any other social networking profile site that allows CSS coding, here. Also our cursors work on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.

We were the first cursor site to allow cursor hot linking and cursor download. There have been many imitators since but you will not see the quality and quantity like here at Cursors-4U.com.

© 2005-2025 Cursors-4U.com. All Rights Reserved. All Trademarks And Copyrights Held By Their Respective Owners.