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Cursors For Your Tumblr, Blog, Website, & Windows Computer Mouse!

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Futurama And Family Guy Cursors

Date: 8 Dec 2008, 09:15 By Tor With 0 Comments
41 Cursors were added today. Only 6 were from Family guy though and the rest were from Futurama. The Family guy cursors are just of the main cast. The Futurama cursors are also mostly of the main cast but there are some secondary people in there. The Futurama icons were created by "Jo Jo Sanmerelli". No website for this person unforunately. And the Family Guy icons were created by "Lloyd Kinsley. Make sure to check out his site for more cool icons.

Because Futurama had more than 20 cursors, it gets it own subcategory. None for Family Guy though...since it only had 6 cursors. You can check out the new subcategory "Futurama" under "Toons".

South Park Cursors, 163 Of Em'

Date: 7 Dec 2008, 15:49 By Tor With 0 Comments
O_O yea man, pretty crazy for my standards at least. I usually don't add over 60 per day but today I had some free time and I got to make this site the #1 cursor site on the net, so yea man.

Pretty much every character from South Park was added today including Kenny, Stan, Cartman, and Kyle. You can find them all in the new subcategory "South Park".

The Icons were created by the very Talented Christopher Pirillo. Check out his site for some pretty interesting things. The cursors were created using Axialis Cursors.

I'll probably be adding more Toon cursors in the following days and adding more subcategories as well. Laters...

Macross Frontier Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee

Date: 6 Dec 2008, 07:49 By Tor With 0 Comments
Just added off the stove, 6 Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee cursors. All are XP and Vista compatible. These two characters are from the anime series Macross Frontier. Ya as you can tell, I'm a Sheryl Nome fanboy.

Unfornately, unlike Gundam, it doesn't get it's own subcategory yet. The rule here at Cursors-4U.com is that you need 20 cursors of the same type to get a subcategory. So make sure to browse the main Categories throughly or else you are missing out on some cursors.

I didn't add the rest of the cast yet, but I can add them in the future. These cursors went under "Anime" > "Macross" and was created with Axialis Cursors.

44 Gundam Cursors

Date: 5 Dec 2008, 11:13 By Tor With 0 Comments
These are old school Gundam that most of you youngsters probably haven't heard of. Old school as in Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory, and Gundam Wing.

Most of the icons were created by the talented Julie Davis and Mark Simmons, unfortunately they don't have a web site so I can't link to them.

I'll be adding a few Macross Frontier Cursors later or tomorrow. These cursors went under "Gundam" under the Anime section.

Got An Early Christmas Gift From Axialis Cursor

Date: 4 Dec 2008, 17:13 By Tor With 2 Comments
Thanks to the folks over at Axialis they sent me an early Christmas Present of their award winning program called Axialis Cursor Workshop

It's a wonderful program that's free for 30 days. You can create animated cursors and normal cursors with ease. They even have some advance features that other programs do not. Honestly, AX Cursor Workshop is light years ahead of their competitor. I been using an older version of this program for years, but this latest and greatest version blows that away. I am thoroughly amaze at what it can do. You know some other programs that I have used in the past, when I try to create cursors that are 32 Bits with Alpha Channel, they don't work when you use them, but with Axialis it works 100%.

The Twilight Cursors, Election 2008, and just right now the four Ipod Christmas cursors (just added) are all 32 bit with Alpha Transparancy. All created with Axialis Cursors.

If you want to create some cool cursors like the one's you see here, check out Axialis

56 Christmas Cursors Added

Date: 3 Dec 2008, 20:17 By Tor With 1 Comments
The icons were created by some very talented people over at "Pixture" and "Live Pencil" Make sure to check out their site for some awesome icons.

There are cursors, of Santa, Elves, Reindeer's, Ornaments, Cookies, and some Christmas Smilies. All of them went into "Christmas" section of our site. More Christmas cursors coming in the next few days. Laters.

Twilight Cursors

Date: 3 Dec 2008, 12:32 By Tor With 5 Comments
Just added some cursors from the movie, Twilight. All the cursors are of the cast members. There is two variations of the cursors where I did a zoom up and full head view of the other.

Also I had one contain the real name of the actor, and the other, who they role played as in Twilight.

I have started the use of PNG images which IE 6 and lower does not support Instead a grey box appears. However I am using a javascript code that makes it not grey, but it doesn't work 100% all the time. Update your browsers is all I got to say for those still using IE6 and lower.

You can search for "Twilight" or go to... Edit 12:58 PM: Fixed an IE 6 bug, that was causing the boxes to bounce around when hover over. Also fixed a bug on the home page that made the tables stretch. Please refresh the page if you see are seeing errors. Thank you.

Some More Updates And New Features

Date: 2 Dec 2008, 21:27 By Tor With 0 Comments
Some of you might notice some changes in the design of the site. I updated the site, to "Version 3.5". Ooooooooooohhhhhh Awwwwweeeee ^_^ I did some minor tweaks including changing some colors here and there.

The most noticeable changes is that I added a thingy on the bottom of each page under the pagination (pagination is in it's own container now) that shows the latest comments and latest cursors

Also the RSS feed is fixed. It was broken earlier. If you got any suggestions, leave a comment.

Big Change, With Some New Features!!

Date: 2 Dec 2008, 12:18 By Tor With 0 Comments
Alright homies...I removed the popup that we use to use on this site. We are now just going to use a regular page. I did that for a reason because some stuff wouldn't fit into such a small area.

You can now rate cursors!. Not only that, but you can now add comments! I added a ton of cursors throughout the year, and some cursors have not recieved proper credit. With the addition of the comment system, please if you know the source leave a comment.

Also help me with naming some of these cursors! Like we got a bunch of different type of dog cursors. Help me name them into something more specific.

Final Fantasy 7 Cloud Strife
Also we got a brand new favorite of the Month! This cursor was done by Ethan Walker I have no idea who that is also O_O. No website or anything. Just the name. The cursor was added a long time ago but it's still one of the best Final Fantasy cursor I seen.

I'm also going to create two new categories called most comments and most reviews in a month or so...I'm gonna wait for the stuff to pile up first.

If you see any bugs, send in an e-mail man. I got some more new stuff I want to try out later...

And Then There Was 3000 Cursors...

Date: 30 Nov 2008, 15:11 By Tor With 2 Comments
Yup, we finally passed 3000 cursors on this site. That's what my CMS says. We got 3000, freakin cursors!!!! This is the most amazing day in the world! Greater than the birth of Jesus! More amazing than when the Buddha archived Enlightenment! I'm just kidding about those last two remarks (-_-)

3000 Freaking cursors man. I want to break 4000 by the end of the year man. I added 15 cursors today to get to the 3000 mark. All the cursors went under "Cursors/Pointers" of our site.

Thank you everyone for your support. I will now officially take a week break and concentrate on doing some fixing up on the script and tweaking the site design so it loads faster for you guys as well as make it look a little bit better. Don't forget to bookmark this page and sign up for our RSS Feeds and join our E-mail subscription!
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Welcome To Cursors-4U.com Version 3.5

So you came looking for cursors and graphics eh? Cursors-4u.com gots plenty of cursors for your mouse pointer. We got runescape, world of warcraft, pokemon, naruto, twilight, cute, animated, cool, glitter, sexy, and so much more cursors. You can directly download the cursors for your mouse or web site to your hard drive for free and use them on your desktop computer for Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7 or Windows 8 or you can place them on your web site or blog. You can even get Tumblr Cursors, Friendster Cursors, Blogspot Cursors, Xanga, Bebo, Orkut, Wordpress, Myspace and any other social networking profile site that allows CSS coding, here. Also our cursors work on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.

We were the first cursor site to allow cursor hot linking and cursor download. There have been many imitators since but you will not see the quality and quantity like here at Cursors-4U.com.

© 2005-2025 Cursors-4U.com. All Rights Reserved. All Trademarks And Copyrights Held By Their Respective Owners.