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Cursors For Your Tumblr, Blog, Website, & Windows Computer Mouse!

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Febuary 2013 Favorite Cursor Of The Month

Date: 8 Feb 2013, 19:56 By Tor With 6 Comments
Domo-kun Staring

This is the first update in a long time! This month's favorite cursor is Domo-kun Staring Cursor. It's a cute cursor of Domo created by xxomgwtflolxx. Unfortunately, I do not know her web page. It seem to have gone missing.

I will try to get back to updating this website! So check back soon for some new cursors. Make a request on our facebook page if you want something different!

June 2012 Favorite Cursor Of The Month

Date: 6 Jun 2012, 17:29 By Tor With 5 Comments
Lucky Charms Rainbow

For the month of June in the sexy year of 2012 our favorite cursor of the month is the "Lucky Charms Rainbow" which was created by lotsofloveandpixels. Check out sddyl lotsofloveandpixels tumblr page as well.

We also got a few other lucky charm cursors that were created by her as well that I think many of you will like. You can get them in the food section. And for those that don't know Lucky Charms is a cereal brand. It's quite good.

May 2012 Favorite Cursor Of The Month

Date: 1 May 2012, 16:10 By Tor With 13 Comments
Elegant Rose Set

For the month of May in the sexy year of 2012 our favorite cursor of the month is the "Elegant Rose Cursor Set" which was created by sddyl. Check out sddyl DA website as well.

I haven't updated the site in two months. But will start to get back to work on it again starting tomorrow =D Check back for some new cool cursors.

Zombie Hand Cursor Set

Date: 5 Feb 2012, 20:55 By Tor With 11 Comments
Zombie Hand Set

Here is a pretty cool and awesome complete cursor set that was created by Wadlo, called Zombie Hands. It has every cursor for your windows computer, and then some. There are some animated versions as well, bringing the total to 22 cursors. This cursor set is prat of Wadlo's Zombie theme. You can check that out on his DA page.

Also I got some new features planed for the website, which will make it easier for me to update, and easier for you to get the cursors you want. I think I plan to roll those out in a few months. But I need to do some massive testing first. As always, Cursors-4U.com is your #1 stop for all things cursors! And now also your #1 source for Tumblr cursors.

February 2012 Favorite Cursor Of The Month

Date: 1 Feb 2012, 07:38 By Tor With 6 Comments
Valentine's Day Set

For the month of February in the sexy year of 2012 our favorite cursor of the month is the "Valentine's Day Cursor Set" which was created by JJ Ying. Check out Mr. Ying's website also at Icon Moon.

Did you know this year February has 29 days instead of the usual 28? Those people on the 28th, can finally "truly" celebrate their birthday. we also got a bunch more Valentine's Day Cursors, if you so wish to get them for your computer or tumblr or blog.

File Server Is Getting Maxed Out

Date: 2 Jan 2012, 11:39 By Tor With 0 Comments

Our file server, which we utilize to host all the cursor and images for this site seems to be maxed out. Atleast the default limits are being maxed out. I'm trying to figure out how to increase the soft and max limit for files under Linux. I might have to consult an expert for this.

If some images or cursors are not loading, try refreshing the page, as I try to fix this problem asap. It should be fixed soon, and thank you for your patience. For those wondering, our file server is delivering literally thousands of request per second.

I actually have a new file server that's being setup for newer cursor files. I'll be using that one next to host all our new cursors in the future. That server should be setup next week.

January 2012 Favorite Cursor Of The Month

Date: 1 Jan 2012, 14:56 By Tor With 9 Comments
Angry Birds Set

For the month of January in the sexy year of 2012 our favorite cursor of the month is the "Angry Birds Cursor Set" which was created by Martina Smejkalova. Check out Martina's website also at Sirea's Gallery.

Today is also the last day of Cursor Set week. Where we add one cursor set for a week straight. Of course it doesn't mean that I won't stop adding cursor sets, as they seem to be pretty popular. It just won't be as frequent. Check back today for a new cursor set =D

Cursor Set Week!

Date: 26 Dec 2011, 11:35 By Tor With 1 Comments

Alright everyone, for the next 7 days, I will be adding nothing but Cursor Sets! We currently got 130 cursor sets that you can download! All of them are pretty excellent and most are complete. A complete cursor set usually has all the cursors, like link select, alternate select, diagonal resize, etc and will have exactly 15 cursors in it.

So check back every day for an awesome new cursor set. I might even add two cursor sets for you every day if I have the time. *Gasp* Lol...

Rack911.com Best Server Management!

Date: 23 Dec 2011, 20:43 By Tor With 0 Comments

Ahhhhhhhhh man, Steve Ciaburri from www.Rack911.com is the best server management company ever! Steve finally fixed the server problem that we were having. I went to 3 other people to fix this problem but only he, Steve Ciaburri, was the one to fix this problem. He got to the root of the problem and fixed our server. The reason was our very own buggy CMS. I just want to thank Steve for his hard work, and great communication.

Now I can finally add some cursors for you guys without having to worry about the server. Thank you thank you thank you Steve. Steve, you sir are a scholar and a gentlemen of the highest echelon. If you guys have a problem with your website server check out Steve and Rack911!

Welcome to the new server

Date: 22 Dec 2011, 14:46 By Tor With 2 Comments

If you are seeing this, it means that you are successfully on the new dedicated server that we got from Database By Design. We actually got two servers for potential growth of the site. Thank you once again to wiredtree for hosting us for almost 3 years! I only remember a few down time with them. Hopefully we will have good results as well with our new provider.

Also thanks everyone for visiting Cursors-4U.com for all these years. I would not be motivated to update this site if it wasn't for our awesome visitors! Cursors-4U.com your #1 source for everything cursors!

EDIT. Yes I Know it's slower than a snail. I'm having people looking into it... T_T I just want to update my website...why does this have to happen T_T

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Welcome To Cursors-4U.com Version 3.5

So you came looking for cursors and graphics eh? Cursors-4u.com gots plenty of cursors for your mouse pointer. We got runescape, world of warcraft, pokemon, naruto, twilight, cute, animated, cool, glitter, sexy, and so much more cursors. You can directly download the cursors for your mouse or web site to your hard drive for free and use them on your desktop computer for Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7 or Windows 8 or you can place them on your web site or blog. You can even get Tumblr Cursors, Friendster Cursors, Blogspot Cursors, Xanga, Bebo, Orkut, Wordpress, Myspace and any other social networking profile site that allows CSS coding, here. Also our cursors work on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.

We were the first cursor site to allow cursor hot linking and cursor download. There have been many imitators since but you will not see the quality and quantity like here at Cursors-4U.com.

© 2005-2025 Cursors-4U.com. All Rights Reserved. All Trademarks And Copyrights Held By Their Respective Owners.