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Cursors For Your Tumblr, Blog, Website, & Windows Computer Mouse!

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Justin Bieber and One Direction Cursors

Date: 6 Jun 2012, 20:01 By Tor With 16 Comments

This is the first real update in a few months! Been so lazy and busy with life, that I don't have much time for this site anymore. But anyways...here are some more Justin Bieber and One Direction Cursors. In total 7 was added. Not much I know but guys seem to be extremely popular lately.

I'll be adding more celebrities other than teenagers soon. I know some people have been requesting some on my tumblr page. For now the cursors above went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Justin Beiber - BelieveZayn MalikLouis Tomlinson

June 2012 Favorite Cursor Of The Month

Date: 6 Jun 2012, 17:29 By Tor With 5 Comments
Lucky Charms Rainbow

For the month of June in the sexy year of 2012 our favorite cursor of the month is the "Lucky Charms Rainbow" which was created by lotsofloveandpixels. Check out sddyl lotsofloveandpixels tumblr page as well.

We also got a few other lucky charm cursors that were created by her as well that I think many of you will like. You can get them in the food section. And for those that don't know Lucky Charms is a cereal brand. It's quite good.

May 2012 Favorite Cursor Of The Month

Date: 1 May 2012, 16:10 By Tor With 13 Comments
Elegant Rose Set

For the month of May in the sexy year of 2012 our favorite cursor of the month is the "Elegant Rose Cursor Set" which was created by sddyl. Check out sddyl DA website as well.

I haven't updated the site in two months. But will start to get back to work on it again starting tomorrow =D Check back for some new cool cursors.

One of our file server seems to be down

Date: 5 Mar 2012, 21:26 By Tor With 6 Comments

Our "Ani" file server seems to be down. Ani is our 2nd server for hosting cursor files. Our first server "Cur" seems to be up and running fine. I have reported the problem to my webhost and waiting on their reply. It could be a network outage or something else is up.

Ani currently hosts around 500 cursors. Cur has over 11,000 cursors I believe, so that one should be fine. Basically our newest cursors that have been recently added our not working. I'll keep you guys updated...

Looks like the problem hasn't been resolved by my host yet...So disappointing. They haven't reply to me in 14 hours. So I guess I'll be looking for a new host for our 2nd server.

For now I have temporary moved all our cursors from the "Ani" server to our "Cur" server. So for those that were using cursors from the ani cursor, just replace the url, which went something like this "https://ani" to "https://cur"

Fire Pointer Cursors

Date: 3 Mar 2012, 18:33 By Tor With 12 Comments

Here are some different color fire pointers. These were recolored from the original fire pointer by CursorMania which is also our favorite cursor of the month. You can recolor any cursor and it's pretty easy with a good program. Check out our tutorial section for lists of cursor programs.

This isn't a huge update but this will hopefully get things rolling again for me. Updating daily isn't hard but finding time from real life is...Today's fire pointer cursors went into the following sections...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

White Fire PointerBlue Fire PointerPink Fire Pointer

March 2012 Favorite Cursor Of The Month

Date: 2 Mar 2012, 21:33 By Tor With 17 Comments

For the month of March in the sexy year of 2012 our favorite cursor of the month is the "Fire Cursor" which was created by Cursor Mania. Cursor Mania is a solid website that has 10,000+ cursors for you to choose form. You'll have to download their toolbar though to get the cursors.

I haven't updated in almost 2 weeks. I been really busy with life, but I will start doing daily updates again, hopefully. I'll be adding more requests, cursor sets, and what not. Also I'll see if I can get a new way to add in cursors for tumblr, since it seems people can't follow instructions. Atleast the one's that say it don't work, when it does....

Chrome Cursor Set

Date: 11 Feb 2012, 07:20 By Tor With 35 Comments
Chrome Set

A very beautiful and original Chrome cursor set was just added. It's 100% complete which means it has all the default cursors for Windows computers. Two of the cursors are animated as well. The cursor set was created by bokuwatensai who has a ton of other cool and awesome artwork that many of you will appreciate. Check out this DA page for all the goodies.

There is another cursor set by bokuwatensai on here as well called the heartless. If you like his style, you'll like that cursor set as well.

Colorful Design Cursors

Date: 10 Feb 2012, 06:49 By Tor With 7 Comments

A total of 8 cursors were added today. All of them featuring some type of flower, cute design. These cursors were created by Spinnetje. You might have remembered, a few weeks ago Spinnetje also created those really nice animal print cursors. Like those that were previously added, they were really huge cursors and I had to revert them to the default 32x32 size.

Check out Spinnetje's DA page as well for more cool design work. Also some really nicely done artwork as well. The cursors were added into the following section...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Blue Flower Design PointerPinky Design PointerSky Design Pointer

Pepsi, Sprite, Coke, Drinks, and Food Cursors

Date: 9 Feb 2012, 07:11 By Tor With 6 Comments

I have just added 28 food and drink cursors. Today's update included some major brands like Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Sprite, 7-Up, Budweiser, Spam, Cambell's, Musturd, Ketchup, and a bunch of other food cursors..

The icons were created by Hide Itoh. He has some other work, here on Cursors-4U.com as well. As usual, I always suggest for all my visitors to check out the Original icon author's web page. Without them, we wouldn't have as many cursors here as we do. Today's cursors went into the following sections...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.


Chanel Different Color Logo Cursors

Date: 8 Feb 2012, 14:16 By Tor With 2 Comments

I added 7 cursors, one is animated of the Chanel logo. Our original Chanel cursor that I made is pretty popular with 30,000+ views, so I thought some people would like them in different colors as well as one that was Rainbow.

Chanel is popular name brand, that's sorta high end I guess. Girls love em so I hope you love these cursors too! The chanel cursors went into the following categories...

Here are a few samples of what was added today.

Rainbow ChanelPink ChanelRed Chanel
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Welcome To Cursors-4U.com Version 3.5

So you came looking for cursors and graphics eh? Cursors-4u.com gots plenty of cursors for your mouse pointer. We got runescape, world of warcraft, pokemon, naruto, twilight, cute, animated, cool, glitter, sexy, and so much more cursors. You can directly download the cursors for your mouse or web site to your hard drive for free and use them on your desktop computer for Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7 or Windows 8 or you can place them on your web site or blog. You can even get Tumblr Cursors, Friendster Cursors, Blogspot Cursors, Xanga, Bebo, Orkut, Wordpress, Myspace and any other social networking profile site that allows CSS coding, here. Also our cursors work on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.

We were the first cursor site to allow cursor hot linking and cursor download. There have been many imitators since but you will not see the quality and quantity like here at Cursors-4U.com.

© 2005-2025 Cursors-4U.com. All Rights Reserved. All Trademarks And Copyrights Held By Their Respective Owners.